English Blog

A Letter to Toronto Youth Members

Before I leave Canada, I want to let you know that you guys are the most wonderful youth members in the entire nation. Honestly, you’re fantastic and there’s no doubt you guys are the funniest youth on this planet.

I really appreciate your presence at the church, smiles you showed to me, jokes you shared with me and openness you carry before me. My departure might be too sudden (I guess it surely is…) but I just wanted to express a big, big “THANK YOU” to each one of you for being so wonderful during my mission.


Thank you for having listened to master Yasu very well. 😂 Maybe you’re the most bothered one among all and I can’t believe I texted you more than any of my friends in Toronto! I really wanted to use the rap video (even wanted to join you and Carter) at the first sushi night. Would be nice if you could send it to me someday after you do the finishing touch. Love to see it.


I have to appreciate your help especially at the gathering last week! “Reverend” Elaine😛, your ideas and suggestions were always helpful and nice (some were too crazy to apply to the service, but my favorite for sure ) and sometimes you sounded more like a mature university student. I hope your spiritual maturity is kept nurtured even in the tough situation ahead. 


I guess you and Elizabeth are in the States by now. I wish you could’ve joined our meetings and dinner at the church because we all felt something missing without your presence. Thank you for your help on the other Sunday and you were a so very nice person to work with! You were my oasis in the church while all those insane angels kept teasing poor uncle Yasu. 😛


Jeez, if you were my student, I’d give you straight As! I always appreciate your quick reply to my messages. I wish everyone else (especially Emma the Most Holy…) could learn from you and Mary! 😛 I believe you’re into hockey as well, but I wish you will come to the church with Mary whenever you can. Mature and influential teenagers like you are quite rare and precious in this world. 


Can’t forget your what-in-the-world-is-this-little-jacky-chan-talking-about kind of face when I told you to pray in Japanese (and the half-dead face in that early morning)! You did it amazingly and both Japanese ladies there and I got sooo touched. Keep using “moshi-moshi” when you talk with Shauna on the phone. Moshi-moshi rules. It always does. Just say yes. 😛


You were the one who made me relaxed and gave me a sense of “WE CAN SURELY DO THIS TOGETHER!!” on the first Sunday we introduced each other in the circle. I liked your sense of humour so much. It’s my honour to have given you the bread in the communion several Sundays ago. A good try not laughing too much. That was hard and funny. I guess you did better than I did.😛


Your Highness, lots of hilarious episodes are coming up to my mind when I think of what you did. I know you’re very smart, but let me reiterate two pieces of wisdom one last time: 1) Japan is a little bit (maybe a minuscule bit) further than the place you live in; 2) Oreo cookie is not something you hit the holy picachu country guy with. Remember the second one especially. 😛

For all

I’m sending this with my sincere prayer. Didn’t imagine I would cry when I had to say bye-bye to the deadly quiet teens from the first meeting (yes, you guys looked exactly like the creepy doll at the corner) .

Really can’t thank you enough for what you’ve done to me, for me and with me. 

A big, big, BIG “ALIGATO” to you all.

You guys are really, really awesome!!

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