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“Prayer to Sophia” by Joyce Rupp

Wise and Faithful Guide,

you lovingly abide in my depths
and graciously guide my every step.
You lead me to ever stronger growth
and draw me more fully toward inner freedom.
I thank you today for the awesome ways
in which you constantly enter my life
as I pledge my life to you again.
This day I renew my life’s purpose
of being faithful to our relationship.
I give you my openness
trusting that you will lead me on paths
that are meant to help me grow.
I re-commit my intention
to listen to you in all of life.
I promise you my daily discipleship
so that I may be an instrument of your love.
Most of all, I give you the loyalty of my heart.
May I do all in the circle of your wisdom
and learn from your dance of compassion
in every corner of this universe.
Source of Inner Luminosity,
thank you for being a loving radiance.
May the lantern of your perpetual goodness
always shine in me and through me.
“Prayer to Sophia” by Joyce Rupp 
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